Friday, June 06, 2008

Dick Stone: "Illustration... a dead end"

I forgot to ask Dick Stone how long he continued illustrating, but the latest date on work I've found by him is 1962. These pieces, from the December 1958 issue of Cosmopolitan magazine are two of the nicest in my collection so I thought we'd conclude this week with them.

Stone says that he could see that illustration was reaching "a dead end." That's why, as it says in the bio on his website, he went into photography and eventually into directing (where he enjoyed a long and successful career).

Today, Dick Stone continues to work, creating some remarkably beautiful fine art. Based on our lengthly discussion earlier this week, he still has many fond memories of his career as an illustrator. "The 50's was a great time to be an illustrator," he remarked during our conversation.

But of his contemporaries from that period who stuck it out after the business began to change Stone says, "I don't know how they managed."

My Dick Stone Flickr set.


  1. The illustration of the girl sitting by the swimming hole was in The first illustrators annual, Illustrators 59.

  2. Anonymous6:30 PM

    this is very impressive work,leif...i certainly see the sickles influence,as well as briggs and fawcett....thanks for making me more aware of dick stone's work....brian

  3. Thank you all for your comments!
