My hat's off to the folks at Schlitz - and their ad agency - for their unfailing commitment throughout the 50's to the use of illustration in their extensive print campaigns. Having flipped through a lot of magazines to find this week's selection of images I can tell you, no other beer brand even came close in terms of sheer volume of ads, use of illustration over photography or willingness to experiment with a variety of styles and page designs. Just take a look at this selection of ads...
John Falter, a favourite of the brewmeisters at the USBF, did several ads for Sclitz in the early 50's.

I found another of the '54 series, likely done by Joyce Ballantyne.

But later that same year Sclitz switched it up for a brighter, more open, more contemporary approach. This one's by Tran Mawicke...

nice find! Your house must be one giant fire hazard with the collection of magazines you own :)