From Leif's files, here are early magazine clips of the great 1950s series Evers illustrated for Philadelphia Electric.

The following scans are some of my favorites from the review of Evers paintings and illustrations in the book “The Marine Paintings of Carl G. Evers”.

Again, I won't comment on each selection…

... but together they show the wide range of Carl Evers abilities at portraying ships of all kinds...

... and of an ocean of almost infinite moods.

A final note: Evers contributed many paintings to the US Navy. Several fine examples are included on this blog. The Navy even has a 'Carl G Evers' room on board the 'U.S.S. Alabama', a battleship museum permanently docked in Mobile, Alabama.
* Many thanks to Charlie Allen for this fantastic look at the work of Carl G. Evers!
* My CG Evers Flickr set
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